Tag Archive for: Copenhagen Fintech

Howart Compliance: Regulering og compliance må ikke stå i vejen for væksten

Alle fintech-selskaber er nødt til at forholde sig til compliance. Men ifølge rådgivningsvirksomheden Howart Compliance er der forskel på at leve op til reglerne – og at implementere dem bedst muligt.

Barona: “Hiring Internationally Is Not Difficult. You Just Have to Decide to Do It”

The benefits of hiring digital talents from foreign countries are considerable, but the barriers can appear insurmountable. The international recruitment bureau Barona is here to make it easy to get started.

Partnerships Are Key to Staying Top of Class in an Increasingly Complex Technological World

Partnerships in various forms have become the new normal for companies operating in the financial sector. For Banqsoft, a leading provider of financial software, partnerships create a win-win situation where both parties contribute to providing the best solutions for the customer.

“10 procent af alle danske virksomheders leverandørbetalinger håndteres af November First i 2022”

IT-revisionshuse og bogholderier udnytter i stigende grad November Firsts API og betalingsløsninger til at forbedre eksisterende systemer, integrere i nye applikationer og tjenester for at automatisere og effektivisere bogholderiet. Fintech-selskabet ’November First’ har bygget teknologien, der gør det nemt og fleksibelt - og inviterer alle med på en compliant måde.

AI-Powered Automation: Bringing Order to Unstructured Data Workflows

Although the flow of data has accelerated, data is still largely processed manually, holding companies back on unleashing its full value. However, new AI-powered automation solutions, like Alkymi, offer a clear path towards turning this source of inefficiency into a competitive advantage.

Without stable IT architecture financial services could face a potential systemic risk

As fintechs mature to become part of the critical financial infrastructure, the opportunities are aligned with new responsibilities: a stable and resilient IT architecture.

Revolutionising mortgages, one API at a time

Festina Finance has rolled out a new service on its 360-degree digital advisor that allows Danish banks to plug directly into Denmark’s largest lender’s APIs and provide customers with the next generation of customisable mortgage products and service.

Danske SMV’er skal digitalisere sig ud af krisen ved hjælp af innovative fintech løsninger

Industriens Fond støtter nyt ambitiøst projekt som skal hjælpe Danske SMV’ere med at øge produktiviteten og konkurrencedygtigheden gennem brug af finansiel teknologi (fintech).

Deciphering the Nordic Impact Fintech Map

"It is no longer a matter of why but how!". Looking at the world's state inevitably leads to the conclusion that sustainability needs to be our collective focal point going forward. As global citizens, we need to seriously commit to accomplishing the seventeen United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Copenhagen Fintech welcomes Infosys to Elevate Fintech Innovation

Copenhagen Fintech and Infosys enter into a collaboration to establish a bilateral fintech innovation bridge between India and the Nordics.

The Growth Story of Danish Fintech lead by Fintech Mapping

Fintechs have become an indispensable part of today's finance industry all around the world. Denmark has seen an astonishing development in Fintech within the past 5 years, in terms of number of new Fintechs, investment volume, job creation and partnership formation.

Vi befinder os i en brydningstid

En krise der på godt og ondt har bekræftet, at virksomheder er nødt til at tænke agilt og være forberedt på konstante forandringer. En tid der har bekræftet, at virksomhederne, mere end nogensinde før, har brug for overblik, kompetent og løbende rådgivning. En krise er et vendepunkt - og kan bruges som et springbræt til noget nyt og bedre. Nordiske 100% digitale konference om bæredygtig finansiel teknologi (fintech). Ligesom tidligere år blev der også uddelt priser til de mest lovende Nordiske startups inden for 5 kategorier. Vinderne blev udvalgt af et uafhængigt ekspertpanel.