Tag Archive for: Copenhagen Fintech

Fintechs Are Doing Wealth Management Differently

Wealth management isn’t only for the wealthy—at least, not if you ask the up-and-coming generation of fintech startups who are using technology to make it possible for everyone to optimise their savings.

Expert Panel: Who will own customer relationships in the future landscape of finance?

In the future, small to medium sized companies won’t just go to the bank for loans and advice. They’ll also expect the kind of fintech solutions that support their business, which several banks have already begun to offer.


Small to medium-sized companies stand to benefit enormously from the latest fintech technologies, that can assist with everything from automation to analysis. It’s the kind of digitalisation that not only offers companies an easy overview, but provides them with new ways to run their business and, ultimately, gain a competitive edge.

Bird & Bird: The Internationalization of Fintech Has Only Just Begun

Fintechs in Europe are growing across borders and in addition to commercial aspects, such expansion triggers requirements to the companies’ governance setup. We have asked the international law firm, Bird & Bird, about the opportunities and challenges encountered by fintechs expanding internationally.

Ageras vil ikke være en bank. Men de vil levere bankydelserne

Med virksomhedslån er Ageras ét skridt nærmere det komplette, finansielle cockpit for virksomheder. Målet for fintech-konglomeratet Ageras Group er at skabe det perfekte, finansielle cockpit for små- og mellemstore virksomheder. Seneste tilføjelse er virksomheds- og fakturalån.

Uden stabil IT-infrastruktur kan fintechs være en potentiel systemisk risiko

Fintechs er modnet og blevet en del af den kritiske, finansielle infrastruktur. Med den nye status følger også et nyt ansvar: En stabil og modstandsdygtig IT-infrastruktur.

Ny forretningsmodel giver alle råd til ubegrænset, juridisk hjælp

HELP Forsikring vil med skadesforebyggende rådgivning, lidt teknisk snilde og en særlig forretningsmodel give alle råd til juridisk bistand. Indtil videre er 600.000 danskere kommet med på modellen.

New Business Model Makes Unlimited, Legal Help Affordable for Everyone

By way of risk management advice, a little technical ingenuity and a unique business model, HELP Forsikring’s customers are able to receive unlimited legal advice as part of their annual insurance. So far, 600,000 Danes have joined the model.

Barona: ”Det er ikke svært at hyre internationalt. Du skal bare beslutte dig for at gøre det”

Gevinsten ved at hyre digitale talenter fra udlandet er store, men barriererne kan virke uoverstigelige. Derfor gør det internationale rekrutteringsbureau Barona det nemt at komme i gang.

Fintech companies: Figure out your legal requirements

The market for acquisitions and startup investments is booming, but in light of Denmark’s new investment screening act, law firm Magnusson Law has some advice for fintech companies: Figure out your legal requirements.

Bird & Bird: Internationaliseringen af fintech er kun lige begyndt

I Europa vokser fintechs i stigende grad på tværs af grænser, hvilket udover de kommercielle aspekter stiller krav til virksomhedernes governance setup. Vi har spurgt det internationale advokatfirma Bird & Bird om mulighederne og udfordringerne, når fintechs ekspanderer internationalt. 

“By 2022, 10 percent of Danish companies’ supplier payments will be handled by November First”

ERP providers, financial IT-systems, auditing firms and bookkeepers are increasingly making use of November First’s API and payment solutions, to improve their existing solutions and to develop new applications and services that automate and streamline the payment and bookkeeping process. November First’s technology makes it easy, flexible and most importantly compliant.